Here's How I Can Help


I understand how it feels to wonder where your money goes each month. Or to feel frustrated by the idea of never getting ahead. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I can help you build a budget, get out of debt, and begin to save for your future.

The 6 month process is simple:
1. You do not need to give up everything
2. You need to pay attention to the numbers
3. You absolutely have to watch out for your brain’s sneaky thoughts

It took you years to get here...
You think that money has to be hard. That it's hard to get, and hard to keep. No matter how much you earn, there is never enough. You don't know where it's going. You're afraid to look. You're afraid to think of their long term goals (retirement, college for kids, etc.) because you think you can't pay for any of that because you're barely making it right now.

Everything you have been taught to think about money is wrong.
Money is simple and easy, especially for people who are earning over 100K. Money is just another tool. When you look at it as a tool, you can remove the intense emotions like shame and fear, to get awareness of where you are and where you want to be. You can then make strategic decisions about your priorities to get from where you are now to where you want to be. In the long term, you think about money LESS, because you already did the thinking and planning ahead of time.